Julia Rose - Dating, Relationship, Boyfriends, Bio | Net worth.

Who is Julia Rose Dating? 

Julia Rose

According to our records, Julia Rose is currently single.

The Zambian reality star was born on December 30, 1993, in New Orleans. The reality star, who competed in the fourth season of MTV's You Are One, is well aware of this model.

Relationship Status of Julia Rose.

By 2021, Julia Rose will not be dating anyone. Julia is 27 years old. According to CelebsCouples, Julia Rose already has at least 1 affair. She had never been engaged before.

Fact: Julia Rose is 284 years old.

About Julia Rose boyfriends.

Julia Rose has no boyfriend yet

All dating histories are actually checked and verified by our customers. We use publicly available data and resources to ensure that our dating statistics and biographies are accurate.

Who has Julia Rose Dated?

Like many celebrities, Julia Rose tries to keep her personal and love life private, so we keep updating this page with new dating news and rumors.

Girlfriend of Julia Rose: She already has at least 1 affair. Julia Rose was not previously engaged. We are currently in the process of viewing past dates and hookup information.

Julia Roses Dating Online rumors of the past may change. Although it's easy to find out who's dating Julia Rose, it's hard for her to keep track of all of his fouls, hookups, and breakups. Maintaining every celebrity’s dating page and relationship deadlines is even more difficult.

Julia Rose Bio.

Julia Rose was born on Thursday, December 30, 1993, in New Orleans. Her birth name is Julia Rose and she is now 27 years old. People born on December 30 come under Capricorn. Their creature is the animal rooster.

Julia Rose is a Zambian-American actress. She has guest-starred in several American television shows, including Star Trek: Enterprise, Code Monkey, and CSI: NY. He studied Diplomatic History at the University of Pennsylvania. Rose is the daughter of a United Nations diplomat.

Through a series of failed relationships with unfaithful partners, she decided to join R Us One the Cast.

Julia Rose Net Worth.

The 27-year-old Zambian reality star performed well. Julia Rose has total assets of 100,000 - M 1M assets. There are many sources that talk about Julia Rose's total wealth, her salary and income, but online estimates of her value vary. You can visit websites like CelebSoney and Networthstats to see Julia Rose's other expectations of Networth.

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